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38MP - Flange X Tri-Clamp Adapter


SKU: FI/38MP-1-6

The 38MP Flange X Tri-Clamp Adapter is stainless-steel fitting that creates a secure hygienic connection between industrial piping and sanitary processing equipment. One end of this adapter is a standard ANSI flange and the other is a Tri-Clamp connection. This adapter does not require welding, making it easy to install and clean.  

38MP Flange X Tri-Clamp Adapter Technical Specifications

  • Material: 316L Stainless Steel
  • 150# Bolt Pattern
  • Surface Finish: Machined to 32Ra
  • Specification: ASTM A182

38MP Flange X Tri-Clamp Adapter Measurements

Tube O.D. A Bolt Hole (B) Bolt Circle (C) D F ID Bore (E) # Bolt Holes 
1" 4.25 0.62 3.12 0.38 1.62 0.87 4
1-1/2" 5.00 0.62 3.87 0.38 1.62 1.37 4
2" 6.00 0.75 4.75 0.50 1.75 1.87 4
2-1/2" 7.00 0.75 5.50 0.50 1.75 2.37 4
3" 7.50 0.75 6.00 0.50 1.75 2.87 4
4" 9.00 0.75 7.50 0.50 1.75 3.83 8
6" 11.00 0.87 9.50 0.50 2.19 5.78 8


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