Why spend the extra cash on the Vintner Hose?
The Contitech (formerly Goodyear) Vintner Hose has an internal coil that allows it to withstand vacuum. While brewer's hose has large wall thickness which allows it to withstand only a light vacuum and resist kinking.
Brewer's Hose has a butyl rubber tube and cover while the Vintner Hose has a white chlorobutyl tube and smooth EPDM cover, neither will impart taste or transfer odour and will both perform for many years.
The main difference between these two hoses is the reinforcement. The Vintner has spiral plied synthetic fabric with polyester monofilament helix. This is the internal coil that makes the hose crush resistant which will not corrode or rust and will tend to spring back to shape when crushed.
All in all the Vintner hose will preform much better in environments with the risk of crushing and heavy vacuum and therefore last longer.