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May 13, 2016 — Brooklyn Obrecht

Overall this years CBC was a great success.

The first few days at booth 1749 started out a bit rocky however…….


During Tuesday morning set up, we were informed that only one of our crates had arrived at the Convention Centre, despite being previously informed that  both arrived safely (Thanks YRC). Apparently our crate had been tagged with a used tracking number, so was MIA for a few days (Thanks again YRC)

Needless to say, we spent most of the day battling with YRC to get our crate put on a truck and have it shipped to the show. Luckily the crate we did have contained most of our products and booth, just missing the main attraction. Our custom made Pinball Machine.

But as they say…when life hands you lemons, make a crisp Lemon Ale! So as a team we did just that. We pulled together, had a few beers and came up with Plan B.

We decided to rent a pinball machine from an amazing local company called Wilmington Amusements.  It wasn't our hand crafted brewers Pinball, but it would fill the gap until ours arrived. In the end it all worked out. A  BIG thank you to Wilmington Amusements who came through for us and saved the day.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth to try their luck at our Pinball Brewer, to grab some of our Knock Out Boring Beer swag, or just talk pumps and everything else CPE. We had such a great time and look forward to next year. 

We will see you all in Washington DC next April!


         ~The CPE Systems Team



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